Our church celebrated it's annual Fall festival today. Mainly catered towards the kids, but the kid in me got his fill of candy and fun. Megan attempted the donut on the string contest (rules are you can't use your hands). Check back tomorrow to see how she did.
So I've decided if I ever attempt and succeed at a home improvement project, I'll share it with you. Most projects I attempt begin and end with me wanting to throw whatever tool I'm holding through the closest window I can find. Let's just say, I'm not a 'handy' guy. So today....drum roll...I replaced the toilet valve thing in the girls bathroom! I know a 3rd grader could do it, but yup, that's a success for me. Toilets are pretty amazing things if you stop to think about it. I mean when you push the lever and the swirl begins...where do the new contents go (assuming you don't have a septic tank)?? How long does it take to get there? It just disappears. I'm thankful for toilets.
A Styling giraffe who is not held back by donut rules. Thats my gal.