After a rough first two days of our Dad-Daughter weekend, Monday was a much better day! We hit story time at the library, visited the Craig's and their new baby at the hospital and got really goofy around dinner time.
We took a balloon out and after I loosened it up a bit, Megan gave it all she had and successfully blew it up. The only problem was that she didn't know how to pinch it off. Much to her dismay...after her cheeks couldn't hold it any longer, the air rushed with force back into her mouth.
I then taught them how to fill up the balloon with air...pinch it off...and then slowly let it out producing a loud squealing sound. Lucy does not like this sound. So chasing her with the squealing balloon is loads of fun.
Finally, we cranked up the music and had a dance party in the kitchen. It culminated with everyone participating in the "YMCA" dance. Boy, does that really take the edge off a stressful weekend!
When will she be old enough to do that with helium? :-)