A Storm Blows Through...

A Storm Blows Through...
We had a small storm pop up on Monday night, so I grabbed my tripod and camera and made my way out to the deck. The lightning was far away and I was certainly glad for that! I only captured two shots and this one was the best. I attempted this several years ago, and it was fun trying my hand at it again.

Here's a funny one from last weekend....

Tanya & I were upstairs listening to Zoe belt out some wacky form of singing while she was coloring downstairs. Quite honestly, it got be a little much on the ears.

Tanya: Zoe, can you please take it down a couple notches?

Zoe: Sorry, but I don't have any notches.


  1. when you prayed for a healthy baby with 10 litttles fingers and toes, you should have added notches!

  2. those are great lightening shots!! should send to channel 9 they show that kind of stuff from viewers.


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