While Tanya was away, Megan wanted to take some money she had been saving and go purchase a stuffed animal (a Webkinz to be exact). Our take on money is that if the girls save up spending money, they should be able to decide how they want to spend it. Nine times out of ten, they want a stuffed animal and our house is looking more and more like a zoo. This time around, I tried to encourage her to think about continuing to save, or look for something else.
We went on an errand to Petco and I asked Megan if she'd be interested in a fish instead. She thought that was a splendid idea. She had enough money to pick out "Rainbow" and a small plastic beta fish kit. So far she has been very good about caring for Rainbow. She knows this is also a test for future pets. If she can't care for a beta fish, there's no way a hamster, mouse, or some other rodent will be living in our house.
great idea - zoe asked me to get her one for valentines day. what a pretty face the girls have. please send me zoe in bubbles and this one of meg for my collection jpg.