Last weekend was my first race of 2011, the Bandera 100K down in Bandera, TX. I flew down on Friday, raced on Saturday, and then got back on a plane to head home Sunday night. Mixed in there was some quality time spent with my Aunt Hildy & Uncle David. They drove to Bandera to catch a little of the race and then take me back to Austin for some great conversation, a warm, comfortable bed, and some delicious food.
The above shot was taken by David at the finish. The guy I'm standing with is the race director, Joe Prusaitis. He's run more ultramarathons than I can count...with over 25 of them being 100 milers. There's a lot going on in my hand, but the shiny oval thing is my first belt buckle! That is the "finishers medal" in most longer ultras. There's some history behind the belt buckle tradition, but I can tell you I've never been so excited to get one!
I finished the race in 12:10:50. We started at sunrise, and I finished the last hour and half in the dark. Truly an incredible experience.
If you want to read a mini-novel about it, check out my CO-Runner site: Bandera Race Report
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