Moving Day...

Moving Day...
Yesterday was moving day. We are officially out of our house. Packing has been the name of the game for what seems like weeks now. Tanya and I are experts at wrapping things up with plastic wrap.

We decided to show the girls what it's like to be all wrapped up. It was a hoot until we told them we were going to put them on the moving truck just as they are. The mood quickly changed.


  1. When do we get to see a pic of the new house???

  2. Funny! Their expressions are the perfect reflection of what moving is like. I hope this time of transition goes quickly!

  3. you could send those pacages to my house

  4. cute - ditto to what Rachel said - picture of the new house, but only after Tanya's painted it all - so maybe in a couple more weeks :>)


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