My fellow fan...

My fellow fan...
When preparing for the Broncos game on Saturday night, I laid out my long johns, super thick socks, gloves, hat, three layers of shirts, jacket and plenty of money to purchase hot chocolate. I was determined not to let the cold get to me.

My fellow Broncos fan also prepared for the game in a much different way. I'm sure he carefully set out his orange, blue and white paint in front of the mirror, decided which pair of jeans would look best with his top, and then finished by setting out plenty of money to buy large quantities of beer.

The temp at game time was in the mid-TWENTIES with a slight breeze and temps dropped lower as the game wore on. It didn't seem to phase him one bit! I was very impressed. But not enough to ever try and compete with him. I like my preparations much better.


  1. fans are strange. I couldn't imagine being enough of a fan of anything to paint on my shirt!

  2. Rachael, he's not wearing a shirt!


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