Nana's in Town

Nana's in Town
It's been fun to have my mom visiting this week. The girls love her company and we've been making the most of our time, visiting places like the Zoo and playing around town.

Last night at the dinner table, Megan turned to Woody and asked..."do you want to go to the toy store and pick out whatever you want for your birthday tomorrow?" It was so cute and reminded me of the wonder kids are filled with as they enter a toy store, given the opportunity to pick something out. Funny too that she would think Woody would want something from there. I'm quite sure, given the opportunity, he would rather go across the street to the electronics store to pick something out.

Today is Woody's birthday...hooray! I love celebrating his life because he is just so wonderful. So today, I lift up my glass of water and toast to most amazing person in my life. May his commute be smooth, may he not get any angry calls from unhappy Treo users at work, and lastly, may his afternoon IT meeting go by quickly so he can come home and celebrate! Happy Birthday to you!


  1. Happy Birthday Woody! I hope you have a great day.

  2. Woody - you are wonderful - you truly are a blessing in the life of our family. As Mom/Nana, it brings me an amazing sense of peace knowing Tanya and the girls have your love. If only you could get that shopping thing right! :-)

  3. (Note September 10th postings)

  4. Yikes Im meant September 7th!

  5. happy birthday woody!

  6. Mike spent $60 in Toys R Us a few weeks ago. He actually ran in and had Aubrey stay in the car with me! Oh the joy of football video games. Happy birthday Woody, we thought of you first thing this morning!


  8. Happy Birthday, Woody...sorry I'm a day late! Too much going on around here the past few days.
    Wish we could celebrate you and Spencer together! :)


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