
Today you will get a glimpse into the type of Dad I am.

We went to my annual company picnic last weekend. All the kids received goodie bags with lots of candy. There was one particular candy included that I did not think Megan would enjoy. Warheads. For those that don't know what a Warhead is...it's a hard candy with an ultra-sour coating. Once you get past the first 10 seconds of tastebud agony, the candy is actually pretty good.

Anyway, Megan wanted one. I warned her against it. She persisted. I relented and saw the opportunity.

The rule was that she had to pop the whole lemon Warhead in her mouth while I took a picture. I actually took a lot of pictures really fast. What fun! Click the picture above to see the progression...


  1. Ahh yes, the amazing value of experience... what a teacher :)

    Awesome Woody, great opportunity. I am certain from those snaps that Megan will remember that not all candies are as yummy as they look.

  2. Thank you for not taking a picture of the one I popped in my mouth! Yucka! Who needs to suffer for 10 seconds when your eating candy - sorta like the whole hiking/water vs shopping/wallet debate.


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