A Day in the Life...

A Day in the Life...
This picture will make sense after I explain a bit.

At work, we have monthly "all staff" meetings. This particular month, each department was given a task to present to the rest of the staff what a "Day in the Life" of your department was like. The assignment was quite open-ended, but it was recommended that it come in "skit" form or in some other humorous way.

I'm in a department of two. Neither Tony nor I felt compelled to act in front of everyone, so we threw together a little slideshow featuring all the things that could arise in any given day. We had a lot of fun making it and it went over quite well. I was very proud of my company last Friday as Billing, Scheduling & Admin all brought down the house with their creative skits.

I'm aware that there are several pictures that would only make sense if you worked at our company, but I thought I'd share it with you anyway. For instance, we found particular enjoyment in highlighting the finicky backdoor that denies access to employees about 20 times before it finally lets them in.

Anyway, enjoy the show and a taste of a "typical" work day for me. Oh yeah...if you don't listen to the music, a few other pictures just won't make sense.

Day in the Life - IT


  1. Awesome Woody!

    Great show, I'm sure everyone got a kick out of it. More people need to appreciate thier IT!

  2. See, like me, I need some IT to help me not accidentally post as Jennifer all the time....

  3. Your my IT - unfortunately for you but you really do know "How To Make It Work"! What is IT - Intelligent & Talented?


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