Oh to be a kid again! They cry and whine and sometimes act like the world is against them...but do they really know how good they have it?? Of course not. You would think they'd be the happiest people since everything is provided for them...and the most we ask of them is to clean up their toys, get dressed or wash their hands before dinner.
Our girls will be bouncing off the walls with excitement for days leading up to a camping trip. What do you think happens when we pull into the site? Yup...whining & crying.
Look at their life when we go camping. Sitting by a lake...Legs crossed...Companionship...Mountain Views...Fishing...Every cast is successful........Mom & Dad looking out for them by piling rocks on their chairs so they don't tip over and do a face plant in the lake. Believe me...they would. Their casting and reeling tends to be quite aggressive!
Oh what a rough life a Nana has - not having a chair beside them - I'll pile my own rocks and clean all the fish they catch! And I will only whine and cry when I first get off the plane and see you and then again when I have to go home. Promise! :-)
ReplyDeleteit makes sense, adult people with everything handed to them are rarely happy either.
ReplyDeleteVery good point Rachel.
ReplyDeleteOk you guys - we all know happiness doesn't come from what we have whether we worked hard for it or not - happiness has alot to do with about much "Fluff" we have in the house - right Woody?