Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day!
To honor Tanya this Mother's Day, I thought I'd go right to the most vocal recipient of her mothering and get the full story. All of Megan's answers are unedited.

Dad: What is your favorite thing to do with Mommy?

Megan: Play with her. And blow bubbles with her. And to play ball with her. And I like to eat ice cream with her. And I like to…eat with her.

Dad: What is your favorite thing Mommy makes for you to eat?

Megan: A cake! A cupcake and cookies too.

Dad: What does Mommy dream about?

Megan: A long time ago when she was sleeping, she dreamed about Clifford.

Dad: What does Mommy do for work all day?

Megan: She works on the computer. And she gets me dressed.

Dad: What does Mommy like to do for fun?

Megan: Play! Run and play and kick!

Dad: What part of Mommy’s body do you think is the most beautiful? Why?

Megan: Her eyes. Because they just are.

Dad: Is there any other part you think is beautiful? Why?

Megan: Her tongue. Because it is.

Dad: Why do you love Mommy?

Megan: Because I just do.

Dad: Who is the best Mommy in the whole world?

Megan: Mommy!

Dad: Whose mommy?

Megan: My mommy!

Dad: Why is she the best mommy in the whole world?

Megan: Because she just is!

Dad: Is there anything else you want to say about Mommy?

Megan: She likes to drink tea. And milk. (sidenote: Tanya doesn’t like tea at all!)

I really resonate with Megan’s answers. Why is Tanya such a great mom? In the words of Megan, “because she just is!” She does it with ease and our girls are blessed by her daily.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mom’s we know out there that make each day better than the day before.


  1. Megan and Woody - I agree with all my heart - she is not only a great Mommy but a great Daughter - why - beacause she just is! Her eyes are beautiful because as we all know - they are the windows to her soul. Now I have to go and redo my makeup (those of you that know me knows what that means :-) One more comment on Tanyas Mothering - I am amazed that she is able to discipline, explain, time out while never raising her voice - wow - that is beautiful and so peaceful.


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