A Birthday Kiss...

A Birthday Kiss...
We celebrated Zoe's second birthday on Saturday. It was a success and we think she had a good time. We know for sure Megan had a great time. She told us before the party that she was excited for all the new presents she would be getting. We reminded her they were Zoe's presents. She gave us that "Duh" look and said that after Zoe played with them, she would have her turn.

Without recounting anything more, I want to direct your attention to the navigation bar and the new "Videos" option. Tanya has put together a video of the party! It's awesome. Go watch it now.

Special thanks goes out to James Sullivan for his willingness to shoot most of the video at the party.


  1. Great job on the video Tanya!

  2. Big smile on my face, tears running down my cheeks, must have been a good movie!! I would call that a chick flick! Happy Birthday Dear Zoe!

  3. Wow Tanya, I am so inpressed! And all this two days later. you are a super star!!!

  4. We couldn't have had more fun! Great job, Tanya. We love those blue tongues. Please do more videos.


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