We kicked off our 4th celebration with the 1st annual HR Parade. The kids enjoyed it and successfully obtained more candy than on a good Halloween night!
The disappointing part of the parade was the fact that I felt like I was watching one long political TV commercial. It seemed that every Tom, Dick & Harriet running for office this fall had reserved a spot in the parade. Instead of getting creative and actually designing a cool float to promote their campaign, they went low budget and just rallied a bunch of people to don campaign t-shirts, march together shouting whatever corny slogan they came up with and toss candy to the kids. I knew it was getting ridiculous when along comes the entourage for 'Wes Riber for County Coroner'. Coroner? I never knew our coroner was an elected position?
The kids could have cared less as they were enthralled with the whole event and of course, the candy.
It should be elected. I want to have a say in who cuts me open. Don't you? :) Just kidding