Last Friday we had our first ever Home Group Dinner/Party. Jan cooked up some of the best lasagna I've ever had and we celebrated Nick & Meghan's future arrival due in 2 months. They've chosen to not find out the sex, but we are having a contest and all took a guess...thanks to DQ, I know I'm going to win.
The funniest moment came as we feasted on the ice cream cake w/ 'blue' frosting (that was my sign its a boy - DQ didn't have any other color?). Nick got the biggest piece that had gobs of frosting and a big blue flower. A quick tap on the flower with his fork revealed the frosting was a little hardened. He proceed to pop the entire flower into his mouth only to find that it was more than hardened frosting but a rock hard sugar flower. There the flower sat in his cheek like a chipmunk saving food for the winter. All eyes were on Nick to see if he'd spit it out. Nope. He was determined to ingest it. There are no words to describe the sound the noise made by his attempt to eat the flower. It sounded like his teeth were exploding.
ok, which one is Meghan? Everyone looks so little! :)