Life has continued to provide lots of excitement with Grammie & Grampie visiting. We've had loads of good hang out time and have been able to give them a taste of what life is like for us on a regular basis. Megan & Zoe have enjoyed having them here and always want to know where they are at and what they are doing. Grampie is pretty goofy, so Megan likes his spontaneous silliness and Grammie has been a champ at reading stories and connecting with the girls. Grammie came through with her promise of fresh baked cookies and Megan got to partake as a member of the 'Clean Plate Club' after dinner.
Let's see...what else. We watched 'The Count of Monte Cristo' the other night. It's a cool movie if you haven't seen it yet. We also went swimming at the rec center yesterday and then had the Scott, Catrina & Kelsey over to watch the Broncos dismantle all hope for the Patriots to continue their dynasty...more about that tomorrow. Since the snow storm we were supposed to get today is a bust, it's back to the Aquarium.
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