On Saturday, we woke up to about 4 inches of snow. That didn't stop us from heading up to the mountains to get our tree. As we drove up to about 9000 feet, the conditions were pretty treacherous. One car in front of us slid off the road, another car coming in the opposite direction starting skidding out of control and nearly hit each of us in our 3 car caravan. Was it worth it?? You bet. It was awesome. The snow was falling, the kids were bundled up and warm, hot chocolate was loaded in the thermos...just trouncing around the woods searching for a tree was an adventure. Megan got kinda whiny shortly into the outing, but then she discovered eating snow and the whinies were all gone. I'm not sure how much she ate, but let's say over a 45 minutes period, there wasn't a time when I looked over at her that she wasn't stuffing her mouth with the white stuff. Don't worry...Megan and I did have a brief conversation about avoiding yellow snow.
On our drive home, I started to feel sick. Sure enough, whatever stomach thing Tanya had earlier in the week got passed off to me. We pulled into the driveway at about 2:30 and I got out of the car and went straight to bed for the next 16 hours. Ugh. Not fun and definitely a downer after a fun morning.
PS: I don't want to hear any comments about Mad Bomber hat. I know you all want one.
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