It's really cold here right now. Do I sound like a broken record? I'm sure it's funny for most of you to see 2 former southern Californians try to adjust to winter. Our blood is thin, we still think we can go outside without a jacket & when the forecasts mentions wind chill, we've learned that's bad. I have to admit, even the cold temps are fun. We are still in the winter honeymoon stage where everything is exciting, especially with Christmas coming. So give the marriage with winter some more time and I'm sure we'll have our gripes and groans.
Thankfully, we have a very nice indoor option on cold days. Saturday we went over to the new Highlands Ranch Rec Center (check it out on the links page). It just opened in October. It has this indoor pool area that is wild. It has a water play structure, a gentle sloping pool that you walk into like you do at the beach & a lazy river. It's a kids water paradise. I took Zoe in the lazy river first and as the current moved us along, she just sat in my arms with a scowl & a big lower lip protruding out. Someday Zoe, someday....you'll know just how much fun this place is. Megan already knows it. Unfortunately, she had her first lesson in 'no running' at the pool. She was running to the lazy river when she bit it pretty hard which then somewhat soured the rest of her pool time.
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