
This is one of Megan's favorite friends, David. He's the other reason why Megan didn't care that there were no pumpkins at the pumpkin patch. Here's a brief conversation that Megan & I have almost every Sunday...

Dad: Hey Megan, it's time to go to church.

Megan: David's going to be there!

Dad: Yes he will and some of your other friends too.

Megan: I'm going to play with David.

Dad: Isn't he fun?

Megan: I like David best of all.

What a joy to see your kids develop friendships and bonds with other kids.


  1. Woody when is the wedding for Megan and David?

  2. She's all grown up with a little boyfriend!

  3. So cute! You guys better watch out... :) We're so glad that you are enjoying Colorado. We miss you guys!

  4. That picture reminds me of Woody and Tanya when they were dating.....

  5. site looks awesome! megan looks like such a big girl.


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